MAY Recap: Customer Retention Strategies!
MAY is finally over and it is indeed a good time to say we covered a lot during the month. If you have been following closely, I am sure you would have picked one or two things from the weekly highlights.
Just to mention again, you don’t necessarily have to be a manager before you start working on implementing what we discuss here. In fact, being a surbodinate gives you a great opportunity to propose a better solution to your manager if your current process needs improvement.
If paradventure you are still looking for a role in customer success, our journey together will give you more chances to better communicate and take charge of your interviews. It is a great opportunity to show your employer that you have more knowledge about customer success so you are well position to discuss viable options that can improve their process.
That being said, here is a recap of what we discussed in the month of MAY;
Week 1: Customer Retention and Renewal Explained; We also identified the famous words in customer retention - Customer Retention and Revenue Retention (Gross, Net, Annual and Monthly Recurring Revenue)
Week 2: Actionable ways to get your Customers Attention; Two points were highlighted here: Empowering your customers with convenience (Case study of Apple) and Re-activating Customer Communication.
Week 3: Significant Steps to Keep your Customers: Major points discussed: Focusing on Customer Education and Closing the Loop on Customer Feedback (Case study based on personal experience).
As we begin a new month this week, I wish you the very best of all amazing opportunities and beautiful experiences in the month.
Happy new month in advance :)
Top Job Picks for the week:
a. Customer Success Manager at Lead Sherpa (Opened 3 days ago - Headquarter in Denver but Location says fully remote)
b. Customer Champion at BookWhen (Remote for only UK)
c. Customer Success Manager at Voltz (Company Headquarter is in Brazil but location says Remote)